Legend of Amethyst Mine

Millions of years ago the great wine god Bacchus was angered by the insults of man. He vowed to let his man-eating tigers destroy the first human they could catch.

A beautiful princess named Amethyst was travelling from the shores of Thunder Bay to worship at the shrine of the goddess Diana on the highest hilltop. Hearing the beasts roar, she climbed up to Elbow Lake hoping to escape by canoe. No canoe could be found and alas, Amethyst believed she would be killed.

Amethyst quickly climbed into a nearby crystal cave praying for help. The goddess Diana, hearing the maiden’s prayer, sealed the princess safely into the cave.

Bacchus, now remorseful and ashamed, poured red wine on the cave. The wine stained all the crystals in the cave, creating the beautiful gemstone Amethyst and freeing the princess.

So strong is this legend that people all over the world believe the gods guarantee the wearer of Amethyst will always be healthy and protected from the results of over-indulgence.

These brilliant purple coloured gems are still mined today in the cave at Amethyst Mine Panorama.

Amethyst Mine Panorama

Located 60km East of Thunder Bay

500 Bass Lake Road

Phone: 807.622.6908



Hours of Operation

10:00am until 5:00pm